Personal data protection

Personal data protection (hereinafter referred to as PD) is special conditions that allow you to avoid the risk of losing personal data. When an individual provides his personal data on a certain website, you need to be sure that personal information (name, bank card number, phone number) will not be passing on to third parties. The company – the owner of the website, which receiving personal data, is obliged to ensure the confidentiality and safety of personal information. Otherwise it will receive sanctions from the state and distrust from customers.

Why is personal data protection important?

Companies that process or collect information about customers are required to protect their personal data. To carry out such a procedure, a list of documents is drawn up. They mark all the data that is usually requested and processed, actions with them.

The website that receives personal data becomes their operator, and the subject (client) is the individual who transmits them. The Client consents to the processing of PD. The operator, in turn, undertakes not to disclose personal information and not transfer it to third parties.

If there are no regulations on the collection, processing and storage of personal data on the website, the owner company may incur significant GDPR fines and be subject to GDPR criminal penalties.

IP Ledger GDRP Documents

IP NFT GDPR lawyer will help you correctly draw up the Rules that govern the work with personal data. We know all the requirements for such documentation. Our lawyers have great experience in its creation. If necessary, we represent the interests of the parties in court. We create GDPR documents for the personal data protection on websites. These documents we prescribe in accordance with the legislation of the jurisdiction of the Company – the owner of the website.

General data protection regulation (GDPR). USA, EU, UK

In European countries, the United States introduced special laws that govern the processing and collection of personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR – is the document that regulates such issues in the EU. The general regulation for the personal data protection. Such a document controls and ensures order in the information space. This applies to companies ranging from banking institutions to branded promotions.

As for the United States, here the federal legislation defines only the duties of state bodies in the segment of the protection of personal information. Laws regarding legal entities engaged in the processing of personal data are adopted at the level of each state. So, in California in 2020, a law was passed that regulated the rules for collecting information and interacting with it.

At the time of entry into force of the GDPR, the United Kingdom was still a member of the EU. It adopted the norms of this document and, having left the EU, left its norms in its legislative field. In addition, the UK is a member of the Council of Europe. Britain has signed and ratified the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. Together with the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms.

GDPR Key Features

  • legal grounds to collect PD, transparency during application;
  • PD is processing to the extent that it was originally declared;
  •  no unnecessary information is requesting;
  •  the wording of the PD must be unambiguous, read directly;
  •  savings occur only for a specified period of time;
  •  storage without information leakage;
  • responsible for the operation.

In accordance with the principles and legislation described above, companies need to draw up a document describing the handling work of personal data protection. This is a Privacy Policy. This document defines the rules for handling PD.

IP Ledger GDRP Documents

IP NFT`s lawyers create the GDPR documentation you need openly and transparently. The company can avoid sanctions for GDPR violation thanks to the presence of such documents on the website. Our specialists help you to correctly draw up a document on all actions with personal data for websites in order to protect your customers’ PD.

Liability for data leakage on the Internet

In the Internet space, the GDPR rules are no less relevant. However, it is much more difficult to find violators on the Web. The collecting, handling, storing PD process are caring must be taking. This helps to ensure that personal data is not accidentally or intentionally shared with persons who may use the information for their own purposes. It is important to save data such as

  • logins and passwords to enter the sites;
  • Google accounts and Apple ID;
  • pages in social networks and games;
  • codes and numbers of electronic wallets, bank cards and other data constituting a commercial or personal secret that could affect the reputation of the subject or the opinion of other people about him.

On the Web, it is recommended to pay attention to technical protective methods. We are talking about two-factor identification, installing licensed software, and developing strong passwords.

Virtually all developed countries have cyber police, investigating, among other things, the theft of PD on the Internet. In addition, thefts from cards are investigated by the banking security service. In certain cases, the return of stolen funds is possible. The main point is a well-written appeal. We can advise on certain violations of the storage of personal data on the Internet. If necessary, we will draw up an appeal to the bank’s security service, the cyber police. Or the owner of the website where your personal data is located without consent.

Terms of use and Privacy Policy for Website

IP NFT is at the forefront of the fast-growing segment of the development of GDPR documentation for websites. In accordance with the provisions of the law of the business registration jurisdiction, we develop rules for interacting with personal data of customers. These are the following documents:

  1. Website Privacy Policy. This document provides information about the organization, options for processing personal data, access procedures, references to legislative acts.
  2. Terms and conditions to agree for the processing of personal data. Procedure for handling personal information. This is about a contract. The information is placing in the database this indicates. Also, customers consent to the processing of PD.
  3. Terms of use. Under what conditions does it apply? Most often, we are talking about the rules for working with a site or software.
  4. Cookie Policy. They make it possible to “remember” login data, settings, and more. However, their storage also requires the consent of the user.
  5. Public offer agreement. An offer to sign an electronic contract or agree to its terms with the website’s holder (in particular, from a portal that offers online services). In such a contract, everything is indicating the same as in a paper one. Namely: the rights and obligations of the parties, the conditions for the provision of goods or services, information about the parties.

GDPR documentation

Often such documents are combining for greater convenience and practicality. There are many terms of use generation on the Internet for such documents. At the same time, these forms are standard. It do not take into account the peculiarities of local legislation and the functionality of a particular website.

A GDPR lawyer will better cope with this task. Because there are a lot of subtleties and nuances in intersecting paragraphs that interpret the same points in different ways. For example, cookie agreements are adding to a user contract or privacy policy. Our specialist help you prepare all types of the listed documents for websites, taking into account your business.

How to create Privacy Policy for Website

The website terms of use document has many names. This is consent, communication, position, policy, etc., but their meaning or content does not change from this. Everyone encounters such agreements on portals where you need to check the box, agree to the terms and so on. The contract contains the following sections:

  1. Goals. Why data is collected: for registration, mailing to the mailbox, delivery of goods, etc.
  2. The basic concepts are deciphered. In particular, what is processing. It is a set of activities related to the collection, accumulation, saving, adaptation, updating and transmission of data.
  3. Types of data collected. This, as a rule, in addition to personal data, methods of communication, options for entering the site, and so on.
  4. Savings opportunities. Typically, data is stored electronically.
  5. Privacy mode and more.
IP Ledger GDRP Documents

Documents can contain both several paragraphs and several pages. It all depends on the functionality of the website and the detailed study of the documentation GDPR from the legal side. But without this, in any case, there is not a single electronic portal.

GDPR documentation requirements

One of the activities of our company is the creation of the GDPR documents. These services ensure the safe interaction of participants in the conduct of business processes, taking into account their overlapping interests. First, we conduct a detailed GDPR compliance of your business.

Based on the received data and taking into account individual characteristics, we will form all the conditions for the preservation and protection of personal data. These are public offer agreements, a privacy policy, and so on. For providers of services on the Internet, owners of websites or programs, the features of the use of cookies are prescribing. 

The GDPR cost of compliance will depend on the scope of the website and the tasks that are seting for us. When physical individuals have violations, lawyers will be able to resolve these issues in different ways. We will also help if you are accusing of sharing someone else’s personal information. However, it is better to work on the prevention of similar problems. If you want to secure your business, prevent GDPR risks, avoid fines and other prosecutions related to the violation of the mode of processing and use of PD, please contact us by email:

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