The virtual world is

4981+ trademark registered
199+ blockchain projects implemented
39 NFT collections released
81 domain dispute won
3792 patents obtained

About us

Every day, business receives new challenges and it needs some top IT solutions that will provide promotion (advertising), protection of intellectual property, and increase in sales. We are modern and we offer comprehensive solutions for businesses and private customers.

IPITLedger About us

IPNFT focuses on

Creation of virtual restaurants, shops, services, and other in the Metaverse
Release an NFT collections on the platform
Tracking violations of digital content rights
Creation of turnkey projects on Blockchain technology: NFT, analytics, smart contracts, DeFi
Personal data protection (GDPR)
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NFT collection @ipitdoggies

We already have something to be proud of, the @ipitdoggies NFT collection released by us and it contains unique smart contracts developed by us. These provide strong copyright protection and allow you to receive royalties from each NFT card sale (non-exclusive license).

Visit website

Why are we focusing on digital?

The digital world requires a different mindset. Virtual stores, digital money, crypto platforms, social networks, NFT cards - these are all integral attributes of modernity. We are a team of successful IP lawyers, IT developers, designers, marketers, we will create any project from scratch and provide comprehensive protection for online projects with maximum benefit for you at an affordable cost.

You will receive high-class expertise, high-quality and responsive service. We offer a fixed price, not an estimate, and we strive to never ask you to pay a bill you didn't expect. Welcome to the world of digital technology and IP. Web 3 marketing is already our reality.

To order a service

You will be in safe hands and will be able to count on quality advice. Don't take our word for it? We have many satisfied customers who have left positive reviews on Google.